Battistinis, database Friday frenzy. . . .
Well today brings one of those jobs that nobody likes doing and is always the one to get shelved at any given chance, yet its no better or worse day than any other to start so we may as well get on with it! Over the last twenty years we have gathered together a pretty serious media press database that we fire out updates, press releases and god knows whatever else to! Over these years we have seen lots of magazines, websites, blogs, e.t.c come and go and also and so a no doubt some huge gaps in our database details!
Basically, when 2010 hits we are kicking it up a massive gear and doing so have started today to update our complete press database. If you are in the media (tv, radio, print, internet e.t.c) or know of anybody in it that you feel should be added to our list please feel free to fire there names our way! Don’t be shy of contacting us if you are not in the custom industry as in truth we like to share our bikes and news outside of the custom world as much as in it! Get in touch with us at and we ill be in touch straight away with news of bikes builds, parts and all of our other latest happenings before they are available anywhere else!
Many Thanks!
Battistinis UK Ltd
Unit A
Southbourne, Bournemouth
Telephone: +44 (0)1202 437400