Battistinis, Robin Hood Harley Davidson Christmas Party . . . . .
The over indulgence of mince pies, wine, great bargains, good times and everything Harley Davidson that you could ever need were all happening at Robin Hood (Nottingham) Harley Davidson last night. All us here at Battistinis want to say a massive thanks to everyone at Robin Hood for there hospitality and say to everyone who did not attend, you really missed out! We would also like to say a massive thanks to whoever invented Red Bull as rest assured that hammering down the M1 last night it was much needed!
Find out more about Robin Hood Harley Davidson at: www.robinhoodharleydavidson.com
Remember the Battistinis showroom & phone lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30-5.30, Sat 9.00 – 1.00 and you are always more than welcome to pop in next time you are out for a blast!
Battistinis UK Ltd
Unit A
Southbourne, Bournemouth
Telephone: +44 (0)1202 437400
Email: sales@battistinis.co.uk
Website: www.battistinis.co.uk
Blog: www.battistinis.blogspot.com