Battistinis Hit the Road . . . . . . .
We have given up asking who stole all the winter as to come round to what feels like summer so soon is unreal, yet we are not complaining one bit as it really means one thing in our eyes! No excuses, get out de motor sickles and hit the road!
This weekend will see Battistinis splitting the road in two directions!
Saturday 4th April – 9am-5.30pm
2009 Spring Open Day
Black Bear Harley Davidson showroom -
Find out more here: http://www.blackbear.co.uk/news_view.cfm?recordID=38
Sunday 5th April – 12am-5pm
MAG 8th Spring Surprise Bike Show
Find out more here: http://www.salisburymag.co.uk/bikeshow
If you are reading this kicking yourself as your bike still lives in the corner of the garage under that layer of dust, sitting on flat tyres, a battery that would not even turn over a single light bulb and an engine of oil that would be better to not be pumped through your pride and joy it’s a simple thing you have to do!
Call us today, book your bike in for a service/check-up and join us next time!
The Battistinis showroom & phone lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30-5.30, Sat 9.00 – 1.00
Battistinis UK Ltd
Unit A
Southbourne, Bournemouth
Telephone: +44 (0)1202 437400
Email: sales@battistinis.co.uk
Website: www.battistinis.co.uk
Blog: www.battistinis.blogspot.com