Chianti Classico 2009. . . . .
A few weeks back before the weather turned good and whilst everyone was still talking doom and gloom we thought of a great idea! Get a group of like minded individuals together, load them and their bikes up and head to somewhere where for a good ‘ol time, where we could simply put, ‘cut loose’!
It just so happened that our good mate Russel at Exile was thinking the same tune! The result! Head off to the Chianti Classico HOG Rally in
Thank you to everyone for your hospitality along the way, you all know who you are! Also a massive thanks to everyone who made it along on the trip and made it so special!
“C’mon let the good times roll!”
The Battistinis showroom & phone lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30-5.30, Sat 9.00 – 1.00
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Unit A
Southbourne, Bournemouth
Telephone: +44 (0)1202 437400
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