Battistinis 2009 Open Weekend. . . . . . .
Well the 2009 Open Weekend has now happened and what a show it was! Thanks, thanks and more thanks to everyone who came along as without you it really could not have been the event that it was!
We really hope that you all had a great time as this year we really tried to twist the throttle back a little further and try to make an event that interested everyone and we really hope we done just that! We would really love to hear your thoughts for future shows and see your shots from this years event. These can either be emailed individually or as links to flickers/blogs/myspaces e.t.c to ant@battistinis.co.uk or posted to us. So if your shots were taken in the digital world, on film, on Kodachrome(RIP) or even Polaroid’s we would love to see them! Over the coming days/weeks we will be uploading these links for all to enjoy!
Great friends made, kickass weather, too many beers, too much food, sore throats from laughing so much, amazing bikes in all shapes and sizes! What more could you want! Well for us about a month long holiday, but hey that just aint gonna happen!
Many thanks once again for everyone who came along especially all the Ride-in’s that you organised and our friends who really did crank out the air miles from Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Holland and Germany that made it so special, we really hope to see you all very soon!
Remember the Battistinis showroom & phone lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30-5.30, Sat 9.00 – 1.00 and you are always more than welcome to pop in next time you are out for a blast!
Battistinis UK Ltd
Unit A
Southbourne, Bournemouth
Telephone: +44 (0)1202 437400
Email: sales@battistinis.co.uk
Website: www.battistinis.co.uk
Blog: www.battistinis.blogspot.com