Blog Direction . . . . . . . . .
Years ago many thought that the internet would never grip us like the way it has! The fact is that it has and there is no turning back now! Join in or get left behind, FULL STOP NO QUESTIONS ASKED! From up to the second news, online banking, shopping, gambling, podcasts, networking, rumours and whatever else that eye watering screen in front of you throws out, its all going on somewhere online!
Over the last two years or so we have been using this blog as an effective, simple, and proven method of communication! We can get across what we are upto right across the world the moment it occurs! Simply put, it works!
Having been around the custom industry for some time now has put us on the knife edge of a mountain sized chunk of custom news. Much of this may not be related to custom bikes directly so we have usually kept it to ourselves. However in one way or another it all can be loosely termed as related to us and the custom scene as a whole, and we think its time we shared more of it.
Basically, with the internet bringing us a more diverse range of news than ever before, so to are we going to be! From things we like to things that our friends are upto, its all gonna be arriving on this very blog! If you have got any news that you want to share, please fire it towards ant@battistinis.co.uk and watch this space!
Spread the word!
The Battistinis showroom & phone lines are open Mon-Fri 8.30-5.30, Sat 9.00 – 1.00
Battistinis UK Ltd
Unit A
Southbourne, Bournemouth
Telephone: +44 (0)1202 437400
Email: sales@battistinis.co.uk
Website: www.battistinis.co.uk
Blog: www.battistinis.blogspot.com